September 24, 2008

#3 - Fasting

So I'm fasting again. Some of you may know that I did this about a month ago for 5 days (I was going for 7, but I started getting sick - not fasting related) and lost 9 pounds. So far, I've been going 2 days (going for six - we're eating out with friends Sat. night), and I've lost 6 pounds. The weight loss is encouraging, but it's kind of hard on me mentally. I get a bit irritable, and with this being our busiest time at work, it is kind of exacerbated. I pretty much want to quit every night when I get home from work. I ask for your prayers that I can keep this up, and pray for my wife and daughter that I can stay positive.


Brooke said...

Sweet- the gray is back and I like it.

Keep your eyes on the goal at the end; you can do it! You're doing great, and I'm so proud of you.

Love you!

Mrs. Hany said...

We will be praying for you!

Amber said...

Go Andy Go!

We'll be thinking of you . . .this week AND when it's over (I think I would just want to then spend a week gorging myself).